Sonntag, 12. März 2017

Alan Moore: Jerusalem


"For all that it manifests materially in Castles, Hospitals, Sofas and Atom bombs, the world is founded in the immaterial reaches of the human mind, is Standing on a flimsy paradigm that has no actual substance. And if that foundation does not hold, if it is based perhaps upon a flawed perception of the universe that does not match with later observations, then the whole confection falls into an abyss of unbeing. Both in terms of its construction and its ideology, the world is far from sound. To be quite honest it's a creaking death-trap, and there are all of these health and safety regulations. I don't make the rules.
I am a builder. You'll appreciate that this entails a lot of demolition work. Your world, the way you think about yourselves and your most fundamental notions of reality are the result of unskilled labour, Cowboy workmanship. There's bad subsidence; dry rot in the moral timbers. This will all have to come down, and it's not going to be cheap.
Does the Phrase "clearance are" mean anything to you?
Ideas of self, ideas of world and Family and Nation, articles of scientific or religious faith, your creeds and currencies: one by one, the beloved structures falling.
Whoomff. "

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